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  • GCGC is completely inclusive and is open to anyone who wants to be in the choir with no auditions

  • GCGC is open to members regardless of faith and background

  • GCGC is not attached to any particular church or faith

  • GCGC aims to support each member to reach his/her singing aspirations

  • To have strong musical direction and strong management

  • To run regular rehearsals and encourage commitment by members

  • To rehearse and perform gospel music only (traditional, contemporary, original British and US) - learning of songs by listening and movement, no need to be able to read music

  • To perform in the local community, prisons, hospitals and hospices and in the church as well as commercial opportunities as they arise; to organize regular public gospel-singing workshops open to members and non-members alike.






  • The name of GCGC shall be Godalming Community Gospel Choir, hereafter referred to as GCGC.



  • To run a community choir singing gospel songs in a friendly supportive setting that is accessible to all persons over the age of 16, irrespective of musical experience.

  • To sing the best quality gospel music, of a variety of styles, that we can achieve.

  • To share our music with the Godalming and villages community and beyond.



  • To provide regular, well organised, supportive rehearsals which enable all members of the choir to improve their performance and enjoy singing gospel.

  • To perform in public at least three times a year and so give members the opportunity to take part in these performances should they so wish.



  • Membership of GCGC is open to any individual aged 16 or over, who supports the aims of GCGC and how it operates, on completion of the membership form and payment of a termly subscription.   

  • GCGC shall be open to members without an audition or ability to read music; singing or musical experience or skill shall not be a requirement.

  • The GCGC Board will decide the termly subscription fees at the beginning of each membership year. The Board will aim to keep costs as low as possible for members and will offer lower rates and free places for low income and unwaged members. These concessionary fees will be agreed by the Board.

  • Membership numbers may have a maximum applied at the discretion of the Musical Director and/or the Board.

  • The Board reserves the right to refuse or revoke membership of an individual for breaching this constitution, for any action that negatively affects rehearsals or the interests of GCGC and its members or for bringing GCGC into disrepute.



  • Rehearsals will take place weekly on Monday evenings during term-time and may include a taster session at the start of a term. Additional rehearsals may be arranged as required by the Musical Director.

  • Prospective members who attend a taster session will normally join at the second session of the term. Names of those wishing to join during a term will be held on a waiting list until the next term.

  • If the Musical Director knows, in advance, that they will not be able to attend a rehearsal, they will arrange for a suitable substitute.



  • GCGC will endeavour to perform a minimum of 3 performances per year which may be limited to family and friends of choir members or public performances.

  • Performance opportunities may be suggested by the Musical Director or any member of GCGC. The Musical Director shall have the final say on performances which will depend on availability and other commitments and costs.


Musicians and Musical Director

  • The Musical Director is employed by the GCGC Board and remunerated on an agreed fee per session basis.

  • The Musical Director is responsible for all musical aspects of GCGC i.e. they will lead GCGC in rehearsals and performances and manage the repertoire.

  • The Musical Director is responsible for finding an accompanist for rehearsals and an accompanist/band for performances and for finding any necessary substitutes.

  • The Musical Director and accompanist (and any members of a band for performances) will receive fees for work carried out.




  • The day-to-day running of GCGC will be carried out by a Board elected from the members.  The Board will consist of six elected members plus the Musical Director in ex-officio capacity.

  • Members of the Board will serve for two years and after that may be re-elected for a further two years to a maximum period of six years.

  • The Board will aim to encourage the election of new members to enable an overlap between existing and new Board members.

  • The maximum period of office for the Chair is four years and Board members will elect a new Chair from (Board) members who have served for a minimum of one year.

  • Roles and duties may be combined or allocated to a different officer if necessary. A Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary will be elected by the Board members from within their body.

  • In the absence of a suitable Board member, duties may be delegated to another choir member. In these circumstances a Board member will be responsible for ensuring the duties are carried out appropriately.


Election of Officers and Board

  • The Board members shall be elected annually by the membership. Elections shall take place in the AGM at the end of the summer term. The Board may co-opt new members during the year, as necessary.

  • New positions should take effect following any necessary 'hand-over' period.

  • The running of all Choir elections shall be the responsibility of the Secretary.

  • Choir members will be informed of the date of the AGM, Board positions available and nomination procedure at least 21 days prior to voting taking place. The names of nominated candidates will be circulated at least one week prior to the AGM.

  • Candidates may nominate themselves for a position and they may vote for themselves. All nominations should be seconded. 

  • Members of GCGC are eligible to vote if they are a paid-up member (this includes those paying lower fees or who have a free place).

  • Email or written votes may be accepted from members who cannot attend the AGM, if such votes are received by the Secretary before midnight on the day before the AGM.


Meetings of the Board and GCGC AGM

  • Minutes will be available to all members and the Musical Director on request.

  • Board meetings shall be held at least twice a term not including the AGM.

  • An AGM will be held at the end of the summer term.

  • At the AGM the Chair, members of the Board (as appropriate) and the Musical Director will present a report of activities for the previous year and the Treasurer will present a statement of accounts.

  • The quorum for the AGM shall be ten members or one quarter of the membership, whichever is the greatest. Failure to achieve a quorum will mean that the meeting is not constitutional.

  • Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM's) may be called in the same way as an AGM. The quorum for such meetings shall be ten members or one quarter of the membership, whichever is the greatest.

  • All members may attend and speak at AGMs or EGMs and may propose a motion or vote at such a meeting.



  • Any complaints about the running or operations of GCGC should be brought to the attention of the Secretary who will present the issue to the Board at its next meeting.

Finance/Bank Account

  • The Treasurer will operate and maintain the bank/building society account in the name of GCGC.  

  • The treasurer will make payments after consultation with at least the Chair.

  • Financial decisions will be made by the Board collectively based on what funds are available.

  • A copy of GCGC's most recent bank statement will be available to any member on request.


Changes to the Constitution

  • Changes to the constitution and an agreement to close GCGC may only be made at the AGM or at an EGM to which all members are invited. 21 days written notice must be made to all members before such a meeting. At least three members should be involved in the proposition and the proposal should be carried by 66% of the membership present.

  • No changes may be made to the Aims or Winding Up sections of the Constitution.


Winding Up

  • GCGC can only be wound up by a vote at the AGM or an EGM in with Changes to the Constitution above. The balance of the assets following the payment of any outstanding fees/bills will be given to a charity agreed by the members.





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